Changing my Selling and Accounting Currency

As a Reseller you would have 2 currencies while dealing with Sree Jain Infotech and your Customers and Sub-Resellers. These are Selling Currency and Accounting Currency. Click here to read more about the same >>

These currencies are to be set by you at the time of signing up. If however, you make any errors while signing up then you can change the same before you have made any Transactions with either Sree Jain Infotech or your Customers and Sub-Resellers. Please follow the below mentioned steps to change the Selling or Accounting Currency -

  1. Login to your Reseller Control Panel from -
  2. Go to Settings -> Finance & Billing -> General Settings. Here you would find the link for changing the Currencies. Clicking on this link will give you the option for selecting the Selling and Accounting Currency.

However, please be aware that you can change the Currencies only if there are NO Transactions in your Reseller Account.


If your Reseller Account already has Transactions associated with it and you wish to conduct your business using some other Currencies, you may create a Sub-Reseller Account for yourself with the preferred Currencies, under your Main Reseller Account. Your Main Reseller Account with Sree Jain Infotech needs to be Credited with actual funds. You can then add virtual Funds to your Sub-Reseller Account and conduct your business through this Account.

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